Saturday, May 17, 2008

Third post

The reason why I think assembeling a tool box will be difficult is that it is easy to say I need books that will teach me spanish. But it is difficult to determine the right books to get or the right computer program. I am thinking rosetta stone. I guess setting time aside might be considered a tool, or meeting bilingual people or maybe going to bi lingual places such as Miami or South Beach.
I think blogging can be used in many ways at libraries. But I think two important ways that blogging could be used is to set examples for patrons or employees, or to provide patrons or employees with easy acess to instructions and information on current events. For instance a blog could be extablished by a ficticious patron, Robby the reader, and he could discuss in his blog how he found books he liked, how he checked them out, which ones he thought he might have liked or his friends might have liked. He could discuss some of the events he attended or was planning t attend and his hopes for the future development of the library.

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