Saturday, May 17, 2008

7 and 1/2 habbits

Right now I feel that the Seven and a Half Habbits of Highly Successful Lifelong Learners might be a good way to help me learn to speak spanish fluently. I italicised speak spanish fluently because it has been my goal foar a while but I have not really done much about it for atleast three years now.
I think the most difficult part will be to assemble a box of tools or habbit five

1 comment:

Kimberly Bower (gladeslibrarian) said...

I've been working on speaking Spanish fluently too - it's been a lifelong journey for me - well, at least since high school!

I seem to grab a tool here and another there as I go along. I don't think you can identify every tool that you'll need when you first start learning Spanish.

One of the most liberating 'aha' moments for me what when I realized that learning any language is a life-long journey. No one ever fully knows any language - even their native tongue.

I think I learn a new word, or a new meaning for a known word, every other day at the library. :)
